Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dividend Girl Update

To those who have been following my dividend trail, here is the dividend report for the past 3 months.
November: BMO, COS, CPG for a total of $755.19

December: BA, CPG,PGF for a total of $279.69

January:BNA, BCE,CM,CPG,PGF for a total of $1995.32

February forecast $907

Apple, Blackerry and Dividends

 Today I watched in awe as Apple yet again made new highs before closing just below $500 ($497.67 to be exact). Four months ago when Steve Jobs passed away the stock fell to $369 and just 2 days later the market cheered this is unstopple train that he left behind.

With word of Apple 3 coming out in the next 3 weeks, the anticipation of the iphone 5 and good earnings Apple is increasingly taking over market share from fellow companies like RIM.

As a Canadian I really want to get behind the RIM train but the stock has broken my heart so many times that I had to put it on ice indefinetly and watch from the sidelines as it tries to get it right. While RIM is almost given their products away I have yet to come across a mega sale at the Apple store. What happens if Apple decides to start paying a dividend again??? OMG, it will be the greatest thing ever!

I've watched Apple make a $100 point move from Dec 22nd up until today February 15th. Who could ask for anything more. I am just going to sit back and watch it make higher highs and hope that my dividend paying companies take a page out of Apple's book and keep innovating.