Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Dividend Girl

I'm Walking on eggshells this week end! EU summit is this week-end hopefully some really good news comes out about how the European debt will be fixed.

I woke up this morning looking 10 years out into the future with great hopes of retiring and wondered what my dividends would pay me. I opened up an excel sheet and looked at my income projection for the next year. Whenever I do this I get a little irritated because I always feel like I can do better.

I went through different scenarios this morning one had me selling all but 1 stock (ZWB). It was a lunatic thought that I would sell everything and rely on this one this stock to pay me a monthly dividend but these are the things I think of.

This past week dividends came in for BCE($1423.13), CPG ($35.19) and Canmarc ($23.75). My bank shares come in at the end of the month for another $530 for a total of $2012.07 minus interest on margin of $555 for total of $1457.07. As you can see my interest is a killer; one of my biggest motivators of that crazy thought I had earlier to sell everything and live without margin. If I did that, I would have a montly income of $744 from that one stock.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Dividend Girl

Dividend Forecast for October 2011 is $2041 (BNS,BCE,CM,HCR)

In the news today: Raj gets 11 years for his insider trading, Google beats estimates then soars after the close and well ... RIMM is still trying to fix blackout problems.

There is so much that I could say about Research in Motion right now but I will keep it simple by saying this: The company does not pay a dividend. It looked promising around 90 bucks where I once foolishly bought 10 stocks and then few days later the stock fell by 18$ and I got out. My heart goes out my fellow canucks who didn't have the guts to cut RIMM loose. Having said that, I have had some interesting elevator conversations with complete strangers about the blackout.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Dividend Girl

Dividend Forecast for October 2011 is $2041 (BNS,BCE,CM,HCR)

Wow! Dow up 103 points today ...
I'll take that.

The picture on the left is a perfect depiction of what it feels like to be in this crazy market where the bulls and bears are sitting at the same table taking turns playing a game that not even they can understand .

We still have no definite resolution from
Europe so this bullish run all but temporary
feels good. Google reports tomorrow can't
wait to see what those numbers look like.
Google just happens to be a stock that I like
to follow not one that I can afford to splurge on. Afterall I am a dividend girl.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Dividend Girl

Dividend Forecast for October 2011 is $2041 (BNS,BCE,CM,HCR)

So , Paul McCartney got married. This is one time we hope that dollars and sense...(oops) cents come together. I cringe when I see wealthy people get married because it makes me wonder if they have a prenup, a will  and trust and well yes stocks and dividends would be great too.

On a side note have you heard of the couple holds the Guinness World Record for "Most Marriage Vow Renewals by the Same Couple”?
They renewed their vows 100 times! By the time you read this they might have done it again.

Let's talk dividends. Picture this if you will... you are wealthy lets say 10 Million dollars wealthy. If hat 10M yielded 5% in dividends for the year, that my dear friends is $500,000 in interest. Now let's say that the tax man comes to collect 50% that leaves you with $250,000. If you divide that by 12 months that is a monthly after tax income of $20,833.

As you can see there are a lot of ifs in that scenario and wishfull thinking but now you can see why some people really don't have to work out there at all. Now I used a measly 5 % for this example but there are stocks that return much more than that. Annaly(NLY) comes to mind based on today's close of $15.88 and $2.40 dividend... yup 15%.

Now, hold on I am not recommending any stocks mentioned above at all; I am simply expressing my trend of thought.

The Dividend Girl

Dividend Forecast for October 2011 is $2041 (BNS,BCE,CM,HCR)

When you think of where to plant your money seeds, thoughts of companies that have proven their longevity in the market come to mind. Case in point the Top 10 companies should all ring a bell or at least ring the registered of your mind when thinking of how much money they have or could have made you over the years.
It is no surprise that Wal-Mart is #1 ; customers all want unbeatable deals. At the #2 position and oil & gas company that pays a dividend is always great. I think of Pengrowth Energy. In the third position I love banks because at the end of the day they all play are in our life whether we are willing to admit it or not. I like any of the Canadian Big Five Banks. #4  I can't imagine doing without my phone... I haven't worn a watch since I got my first phone. Last but not least I like to play a stock just for fun and for that I chose a casino stock Mpel. None of these stocks are recommendations they just follow my trend of thought.

The Dividend Girl

Dividend Forecast for October 2011 is $2041 (BNS,BCE,CM,HCR)

So there I was in Chicago in 2010. I went to the Oprah show, I caught a Chicago Bulls pre-season game and stumbled across the Chicago Marathon. 45,000 people took part in this marathon each striding at their own pace. In the end those who cross the 26 mile mark are rewarded with the satisfaction of a job well done.

What I love most about marathons is that even as you are running amongst others, you are ultimately running against your own best time. Just like investing, you can make it to the forbes 400 list but to go the distance it takes discipline, poise and self-management. You would never sprint to the finish line if you knew you had 26 miles to go. Take the time to study what the companies you are invested in. Know what they are doing and understand how they are changing on a continual basis. The main catalyst in the 10-10-10 marathon was the heat. What are the threats you need to consider when looking at your stocks? Every industry has its strengths and weaknesses. That's why it's so important to study them ahead of time.

The Dividend Girl

Dividend Forecast for October 2011 is $2041 (BNS,BCE,CM,HCR)

So much has changed in the past year. Stocks have been on a roller coaster ride. Some investors got scared and left others came in to explore an opportunity to make money. I can't wait for more up days. Today the Dow was down 16.88 points but I will take that over any 300 + point drop like we have seen over the past few weeks. Putting things in perspective the Dow is only down 1% for the year.

There were dark days in September 2011 and October seems to be undecided. My oil, bank and telecom stocks were all up today. I am grateful for that. I haven't received any dividends for the month yet but I am expecting $2041 for October; not bad considering that I was no where close to that last year.

Occupy Wall Street is still going strong.  I am glad that they are standing up for a cause they believe in. Having said that I have made plenty of money profiting from stocks and even though I have lost some along the way I can't bite the hand that feeds me. So I am holding my head up, waiting for the next jobs number to come, the next earnings report to surface an the next quarter to start.