Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Dividend Girl

Dividend Forecast for October 2011 is $2041 (BNS,BCE,CM,HCR)

So , Paul McCartney got married. This is one time we hope that dollars and sense...(oops) cents come together. I cringe when I see wealthy people get married because it makes me wonder if they have a prenup, a will  and trust and well yes stocks and dividends would be great too.

On a side note have you heard of the couple holds the Guinness World Record for "Most Marriage Vow Renewals by the Same Couple”?
They renewed their vows 100 times! By the time you read this they might have done it again.

Let's talk dividends. Picture this if you will... you are wealthy lets say 10 Million dollars wealthy. If hat 10M yielded 5% in dividends for the year, that my dear friends is $500,000 in interest. Now let's say that the tax man comes to collect 50% that leaves you with $250,000. If you divide that by 12 months that is a monthly after tax income of $20,833.

As you can see there are a lot of ifs in that scenario and wishfull thinking but now you can see why some people really don't have to work out there at all. Now I used a measly 5 % for this example but there are stocks that return much more than that. Annaly(NLY) comes to mind based on today's close of $15.88 and $2.40 dividend... yup 15%.

Now, hold on I am not recommending any stocks mentioned above at all; I am simply expressing my trend of thought.

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